Legal Notice of ZBA Decision 02/10/2020



The Board of Adjustment met on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Pelham Town Hall, 6 Village Green, Pelham, NH and voted on the following petitions:

ZO2020-00003 - WILIAMS, Bruce & Rhonda – 157 Mammoth Road – Map 39 Lot 1-49 – Seeking a Variance concerning Article II, Sections 307-6, 10-Frontage of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a 4 lot subdivision where 3 of the lots will have a shared access from the public right of way. The Board voted to APPROVE the Variance with the recommendation to the Planning Board to consider making items 1-3 of the Conservation Commission letter dated February 9, 2020 conditions of approval.

ZO2020-00004 - RIEL, Zachary & SIROIS, Jennifer – 1 & 3 Little Island Park – Map 24 Lots 11-308 & 11-309 – Seeking a Variance concerning Article III, Sections 307-8:A, 307-12, 307-13 & 307-14 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit conversion of one non-conforming use to another. To permit structures that do not conform to the setback requirements and development of a lot that does not conform to the area and frontage requirements. To permit development of a lot that does not have the required buildable area. To permit development of a lot that does not have the required frontage on a public road. The Board voted to APPROVE the variance with the condition that the garage be no more than 24’ in height from grade.

ZO2020-00006 - C & T BEAUREGARD LAND HOLDINGS, LLC – 91 Main Street – Map 22 Lot 8-31 – Seeking a Variance to Article III, Sections 307-8.C, 307-12, Table 1 to permit the construction of two 34’ x 84’ buildings on an undersized lot and to allow the side setbacks to be 30’+/- on the east side of building #1 and 28’+/- on the west side of building #2 (holding existing northwest building corner) where 42; is required with a proposed building height of 21’. The Board voted to APPROVE the variance with the recommendation to the Planning Board to limit the hours of operation, to look into the lot density, lighting, general esthetics, stormwater management of potential waste fluids and anything else the Planning Board sees fit.

Note: The selectmen, any part to the action, or any person directly affected has a right to appeal this decision within 30 days. See New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, Chapter 677. This notice has been placed on file and made available for public inspection in the records of the ZBA on February 11, 2020 and will be published in the Union Leader on February 13, 2020.