2007 School Warrant Article 2

Shall the Pelham School District raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $22,550,134?  Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $22,050,613, which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Pelham School District or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.

*NOTE:  Warrant Article 2 (operating budget) does not include appropriations proposed in any other warrant articles. 



OriginatorSchool Board
School Board5-0-0 Recommended
Budget Committee11-0-0 Recommended


Voter's Guide Explanation

This Warrant article contains the School Board and Budget Committee recommended school operating budget for the 2007-2008 school year. In accordance with state regulations, the default budget is also included. If the recommended budget does not pass, the default budget of $22,050,613 would take effect.  The difference between the recommended and default budgets is $499,521.

Review of the recommended 2007 budget versus the 2006 operating budget shows a net increase of $1,336,941.

$783,117 of the increase comes from three key areas: mandatory health insurance premium increases, mandatory employer paid benefit increases, and the second year lease payment for modular classrooms at Pelham High School. $395,000 of the increase comes from life safety improvements at Pelham High School. Special Education cost increases represent $172,365 of the increase.

Life safety improvements at Pelham High School represent a significant part of the budget increase over the previous year’s budget. The budgeted amount of $395,000, which is supported by the Budget Committee, will be used for life safety improvements as identified by the Fire Chief and State Fire Marshall in three areas of the high school comprised of approximately 10,000 square feet. The Art and Math area will be reconfigured to provide direct egress to the exterior with new floors, ceilings, mechanical and electrical systems and to correct the dead-end corridor in the English area by creating a corridor to a nearby exterior door. The cost items for the high school improvements are broken down as follows:

                        1. $180,000       Installation of a new egress through the art area;

                        2. $185,000       Installation of a new egress through the math area; and

                        3. $30,000         Corridor extension for English area to provide egress.

$255,346 was reduced from the previous year’s budget through reductions in the following areas: vocational education ($9,487), library services ($10,286), building operations ($51,539), special education transportation ($29,910), community services ($52,374), interest on Pelham Elementary School ($51,750), and transfers to the capital reserve fund ($50,000) which was funded from a warrant article last year.

The budget for regular programs shows a decrease because the contract between the School District and the Pelham Education Association is represented in a separate warrant article. As a result, the proposed budget includes no salary increases for professional teaching staff.


Backup Data



 2006-2007 Actual

 2007-2008 Proposed


Regular Programs- Salaries

Teacher, Substitute, and Aide Salaries

 $          6,519,548

 $              6,575,646



Health, Dental, and Life Insurance, FICA, NH Retirement, Unemployment for Employees

 $          4,075,523

 $              4,798,277


Special Education

In District and Out-of-District Special Education and Special Services Costs

 $          2,794,774

 $              2,967,139


Student Support

Co-curricular, Health, Speech, Improvement of Instruction, and Building Level Administration Costs

 $          2,019,011

 $              2,044,275


Physical Plant

Costs associated with maintaining and caring for buildings, grounds, and equipment

 $          1,379,907

 $              1,521,497


Debt Service

Principal and Interest for Pelham Elementary School bond

 $          1,267,775

 $              1,216,025



Student Bus Transportation costs- contracted service.

 $          1,058,498

 $              1,063,049


Food Service

Cost to run the food service program

 $            674,712

 $                 674,712


Regular Programs

Student Supplies, Support, and Textbooks

 $            696,336

 $                 596,066


SAU #28 Share

Pelham's 49% share of the SAU #28 management fee. Windham pays 51%.

 $            426,562

 $                 500,275


Life Safety-PHS

Life Safety Improvement at Pelham High School

 $                       -

 $                 395,000



School Board, Transfers, Capital Reserve Funds, and other miscellaneous costs

$            300,547

$                 198,173



 $   21,213,193

 $        22,550,134





Copyright 2007 Town of Pelham, 6 Village Green, Pelham NH 03076.  Selectmen's Office 603-635-8233
Questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Town Warrant?  email us at bos@pelhamweb.com
Questions, comments or suggestions regarding the School Warrant?  email us at ecutler@pelhamsd.org
This site was developed through a voluntary effort to improve communications in Town between the BOS and Residents.
The Official 2007 Town Warrant is available for review at the Town Hall during business hours.
In the event of any discrepancy between the Official Town Warrant and this web page, the Official Town Warrant takes precedent.

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