2006 Town Warrant Article 8

Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,653,200 (gross budget) for the following necessary capital improvements: Fire Sub Station ($2,500,000); Municipal Building Expansion/Sherburne Hall ($811,000); Highway Department Garage ($655,000); Parks and Recreation Facility including Lifeguard and Restroom Facilities at Veteran's Park ($1,500,000); Roadway Improvements ($1,000,000); and, Construction Management Services ($187,200)? This Article shall authorize the issuance of not more than $6,653,200 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33), and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon and to additionally raise and appropriate the sum of $70,000 for the first year's interest and associated costs. (Recommended by Selectmen) (Not Recommended by Budget Committee)  (3/5 Ballot Vote Required)

Capital Cost



Fire Sub Station


Municipal Building Expansion/Sherburne Hall


Highway Department Maintenance Garage


Park & Recreation New Gym, Lifeguard, Restroom facilities


Highway/Road Improvements


Construction Management Services


Bond Total



First Year/Assoc. Costs/Bonding Fees



OriginatorBoard of SelectmenBoard of Selectmen4-1-0 (Bergeron - no)Budget Committee2-8-0 (Gleason - yes, Doug Viger - yes)Town Meetingno changes made during the Deliberative session


Voter's Guide Explanation

The purpose of this Bond is to address existing infrastructure needs of the town in an organized , efficient and financially responsible  manner .  There is a full data package on this web page that provides complete details and cost support for  the planned construction. 

The proposed bond is planed for 10 years which, based upon latest market conditions, will result in a tax rate impact of $0.29 the first year and $1.24 or less in succeeding years. Consolidation of the bond addresses immediate infrastructure needs, assures that the town secures the lowest fixed rate for the foreseeable future and contributes to stabilizing the tax rate. This approach avoids the impact of inflation and escalating fuel and service increases should the infrastructure elements be deferred or segregated for separate implementation.

Item 1 Fire Substation on Shepherd Road (Covers Ledge Road through Spring Street Area)

Currently the response time for emergencies in the northeast section of town is 12 minutes or more. There are several new residential communities in this area and more are anticipated. The establishment of a substation with an engine, an ambulance and assigned personnel will address life safety issues, offer opportunities for reductions in insurance rates for the citizens and the town and limit the town’s liability in addressing safety concerns.

Item 2a Sherburne Hall Upgrade

Currently Sherburne hall is not up to building code, is a liability risk under the town’s insurance provisions and is therefore unsuitable for public use. Activities in this facility are now limited to town government meetings.

The intent of this bond element is to only bring Sherburne Hall up to code so that interested town groups involved in theater , boys scouts, recreational or fundraising endeavors will have an adequate facility for their purposes. The Sherburne Hall Committee will still be responsible for fund raising and improvements beyond bringing the hall up to necessary code requirements.

Once Sherburne Hall is brought up to code it will become a true focal point for the community.   Numerous groups and organizations have already expressed an interest in providing educational and entertaining presentations from the stage. 

Item 2b Municipal Building Expansion

In addition to the use limitations on Sherburne Hall which restrict availability of facilities for meetings, etc., the town is obligated to maintain the town annex as a facility for Pelham Television and fire department storage. The annex does not meet code requirements and will continue to incur higher than average operational and maintenance costs.

The most fiscally responsible approach is to consolidate town government into one facility. There are six vacant rooms in the municipal building which can be updated to provide space for PTV, a town government meeting center, a conference room for elected and volunteer meetings, provide upgraded facilities for Park and Recreation and allow space for a part time code enforcement officer.  A 1,700 square foot storage area will also be created in the unused portion behind the Police Department.  This will provide permanent record storage for various departments and installation of a large overhead door will permit easy access for Recreation Department storage of canoes, bicycles, soccer nets and the like in a separate, segregated area.

Item 3 Highway Department Garage

Currently, all highway road equipment is stored either outside or in the existing salt storage facility. Aside from the detrimental effects that a salt storage environment has on the equipment, in the winter months vehicle startup and operation is impeded by the conditions, such that response times to safety and service concerns are less than desirable. In addition, many small repairs during snow storms are sub contracted to a repair facility which increases costs. With a highway garage, facilities would be available to allow maintenance and repair of vehicles, as well as cleaning, both of which will protect these assets and extend their life cycle.

Item 4 Parks and Recreation Facilities

Item 5 Highway Improvements

Highway road improvements comprise one million dollars of this total package.  A large culvert on Gumpas Hill Road has become ineffective and serious damage will occur if it is not replaced.  Because of its size and wetland impact, state permitting will be required to install a larger culvert that will serve several generations to come.  The Pelham Road project is long overdue and has deteriorated from traffic it was never designed to accommodate.  The Dutton Road project will widen about 2,000 feet and will overlay the entire road with new pavement.  Our object is to keep the rural flavor of the road but widen some areas that are simply unsafe at today’s traffic volume.  This project is timely in that we know traffic through Pelham on this popular road will significantly increase during the I-93 widening projected to begin in coming years.  

Once these necessary improvements are implemented, it is expected that the yearly highway grant form the state will suffice to maintain existing roads

Item 6 Construction Management Services

This funding covers project construction oversight planning associated with the package concept. In pursuing this approach it is believed that numerous benefits will result, such as, maintenance of bidding and procurement standards, economies of scale,, efficiency in planning and coordination, and consolidated procurement of services and supplies.


Backup Data







A Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. in Sherburne Hall, Pelham Municipal Complex, 6 Village Green, Pelham, NH  to discuss and receive public comment regarding a proposed borrowing of $6,653,200.  The Warrant Article authorizing this borrowing will read:

Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,653,200 (gross budget) for the following necessary capital improvements: Fire Sub Station ($2,500,000); Municipal Building Expansion/Sherburne Hall ($811,000); Highway Department Garage ($655,000); Parks and Recreation Facility including Lifeguard and Restroom Facilities at Veteran's Park ($1,500,000); Roadway Improvements ($1,000,000); and, Construction Management Services ($187,200). This Article shall authorize the issuance of not more than $6,653,200 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33), and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon with a term not to exceed 10 years in duration and to additionally raise and appropriate the sum of $70,000 for the first year's interest and associated costs.

(Recommended by Selectmen) (Not Recommended by Budget Committee)

(3/5 Ballot Vote Required)


A Brief History of PVMP and PVMP Facilities

In 1951 the Lowell YMCA purchased Camp Alexander.  Shortly after the purchase the YMCA built the lakeside restroom building and lifeguard shack.  In 1954 the YMCA built the existing lodge building and put in an artesian well for drinking water.  In 1976 at a special town meeting the Town of Pelham voted for a bond to purchase Camp Alexander for $150,000 (that bond was completely paid by 1981).  In 1980 voters approved the $10,000 Camp Alexander Master plan.  The roof on the lodge was shored up and re-shingled in 1982.  The lodge restrooms received $2,686 in renovations in 1983.  In 1986 the town updated and expanded the septic system and leech field.  Also in 1986 the lakeside restrooms were renovated and expanded.  In 1987 the lakeside restrooms received over $8,000 in vandalism damage.  In 1987 a chain link fence was installed around the tennis courts and in 1988, 1992 and 1996 the tennis courts were resurfaced.  In 1996 the town installed alarm systems in all buildings.  In 2003 and early 2004 vandalism damage resulted in over $2,500 in losses and repairs.  In 2004 all buildings received update electrical systems including GFI's and external lighting on photo sensors.   Also in 2004 the chimney was removed from the lodge building and a window at the lifeguard shack was sealed over to prevent vandals from accessing the buildings.  As a result of vandalism damage the doors to the lifeguard shack were replaced in 2005.  Currently, all restroom facilities need updating specifically the toilets.  All of the roofs on all of the buildings, particularly the life guard shack, need to be removed and replaced.  All of the buildings have roof leaks.  The current lakeside restrooms have little to no natural light as all of the windows have been sealed to prevent vandalism.

Removes imminent threat to public health or safety

In the summer of 2003, 20 people involved with the summer children's playground program were hit by lightning.  Eight ended up going to the emergency room for treatment/observation.  This was highlighted on ABC's “Good Morning America.”  In hindsight, this incident may have been avoided if the children and staff simply had a safe place to go.  The current facilities available at PVMP will not hold the entire summer program (children and staff) safely.  Additionally, the current standing policy of the summer children's program is to close the entire camp in the event of rain due to the health and safety issues of the participants and staff.

A replacement lodge building will allow the camp to remain open on rainy days and provide the participants with safe shelter.

Alleviates substandard conditions or deficiencies

Specifically, the substandard condition/deficiencies are due to the fact that the current buildings available would not hold the entire summer program safely if the program were forced to move inside.  New buildings would eliminate any substandard conditions and deficiencies.  The lodge replacement building is designed to hold between 500-600 people and allows room for future growth.

Also, we are running at capacity with many of our programs, specifically with our Youth Basketball program.  With the limited space available in Pelham for youth basketball, children in the Parks and Recreation program are only allowed to practice once every-other-week.  Children in the travel basketball program average only one practice per week as we are both forced to rely on the limited availability of school gym space.

Responds to Federal or State requirements for implementation

The current buildings at PVMP were built in the 1950's and meet 1950's codes.  The new buildings are designed meet all current federal and state codes.

Improves the quality of existing services

The current rates for the summer children's program are $350 for one child; $500 for two children and $600 for three or more.  Those rates are for six weeks.  If it rains, camp is cancelled for the day because of the safety issues previously discussed.  With a new facility camp would not need to be cancelled and the parents who rely on the camp while they are working would not have to make other arrangements.

Currently, only allowing teams to practice every-other-week, we are still limited to how many Pelham children are allowed to participate in our youth basketball program.  We would be able to allow more children into youth basketball with additional space available.  Without additional space, this program is at capacity.

Provides added capacity to serve growth

As previously stated, we are limited only by the space we have available to provide programs for the residents.  Additional space would allow the department to provide more activities and programs for the residents of our growing town.  The fees collected in those programs would be designed to off-set the operating costs of the program and use of the facility.

Provides an incentive to economic development

Voluminous research has been done regarding the value of a vibrant Parks and Recreation Department to communities like Pelham.  Most of this information can be obtained from the National Parks and Recreation Association.

By showing the town's commitment to parks and recreation the town shows its' residents that it cares about the health and well being of the community.  Additionally, committing to building a building that will eventually pay for itself and that will support all Parks and Recreation programs; the town shows that it is responsible and considerate to all tax payers and residents.

Reduces long term operating costs

It is estimated that the Parks and Recreation Department will spend in FY 2005 well over $6,000 to the school district just for gym rental fees related to our programs.  We have received indications from the school business manager that costs will rise as much as 30% for gym rental fees through the schools FY 2006.  Those costs will only remain fixed if we continue to limit the space available in our programs and offer limited practice times to the children of Pelham.

An informal study has found that “gym space” for one single court can be rented for $50-$75 per hour using facilities surrounding Pelham.  Should Pelham decide to build their own gym space, the $50-$75 per hour could be used to pay for the facility replacement costs.

$7,800 x 5 years (estimated amount paid to the schools)

16 hours x 40 weeks available x 2 (Saturday & Sunday rentals) x $75 X 2 courts x 5 years=$960,000

3 hours (Average time available M-F) x 52 weeks x 5 days x $75 x 2 courts x 5 years



Estimated income in 5 years


2005 Cost of lodge replacement project


The additional revenues created could be used to completely off-set the cost of the replacement lakeside buildings; additional employees and/or operating costs of the facility.

High Impact

This project will affect every family in Pelham in one way or another because the facility is begin designed for multi-purpose, not just a gym for basketball.  Directly in our programs, limited in size because of a default budget, right now we have 550 in fall soccer, 450 in youth basketball, 300 in indoor soccer, 300 in summer camp, 24 in adult volleyball, 24 in adult basketball, 40 in adult yoga.  Even with some overlap, in those programs alone we are talking in the area of 1,000-1,500 families/households.  In addition to what we already do we would like to have a walking area for seniors and also have craft, sports collectible, flower shows as well as having conference and meeting space.  There will be a benefit for nearly everyone in town.

Currently in the months of July and August 400-500 people per day on average could be using the restroom facilities at the camp if you include the general public using the beach and those coming to our office to sign up for programs.

New Construction will help alleviate vandalism

Currently, the Parks and Recreation office operates in the Municipal Center 42-weeks of the year.  For 10-weeks of the year the Parks and Recreation office operates in the lodge at Pelham Veterans Memorial Park.  It has been documented in police reports that nearly all of the vandalism that occurs at the park occurs during the 42-weeks that the camp is closed. 

The lodge replacement building at the park will be open at least 360 days of the year and at least 16 hours per day.  Not only will the new buildings be built to deter damaged caused by vandals but the vandals themselves will have little time to do their damage without being caught based on the number of hours that the facility will be open and used.  Additional security measures will be reasonable and more affordable to consider if the facility is only closed for a limited number of hours each evening.  The revenues that the facility produces can offset the additional security measures without adding further burden to the tax payer.

Why at PVMP and not at Muldoon Park?

Muldoon Park receives a higher volume of use than any other park in the Pelham Parks and Recreation system.  The highest volume is during little league season May through June, Recreation Soccer season September through October and Razorback Football season August through November.  During these seasons the available parking is maxed out to the point where some families actually park on Mammoth Road Rte 128, causing unsafe and hazardous conditions.  Were a large indoor facility to go on this property the parking impacts would be too much for the current site to handle. 

The infrastructure (with some minor improvements) is already in place for the facility improvements at PVMP.  The lodge replacement project also meets the needs of the summer program by providing a safe indoor facility large enough to contain the entire summer program.   At PVMP a dedicated parking area for the facilities could be created without any adverse impact on any other programs.  Land is available at PVMP without taking away existing field or trail space.